Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Makassar Sketchbook Project

de Goya Sketchbook using Fabriano paper 200 gsm

I need a "Project" to stay focused even without setting a finishing target, ... at least like the people uses to say "practice make perfect". I have to “start practicing" after so long leaving the habit of drawing. Last month during my vacation to Surabaya East Java, I stop by in Arland Sutos (Surabaya Town Square) shop that sells painting and crafting equipment. I found sketchbook named de Goya size A4 using Fabriano Paper 200 gsm for watercolor media. I bought some ... so while trying this sketchbook I will used it as the first sketchbook project.

de Goya sketchbook and my makassar project

Losari Beach is the main icon of the city of Makassar and I think is suitable in making my sketch object. Many interesting areas there ... floating mosque, pinisi boat and especially the statues ... unfortunately I do not have enough time to sit and sketch over there. (I still hope one day I‘ll have to "sketch on location" because it's fun ..😛
Saturday morning last week on my way to work while carrying my Canon DSLR camera I stopped for a moment at the Losari Beach Pier. Capture as many photo that I can snaps there ... a bit free that day because it's a fasting month ... not many people passing by. Some of the shots will be my photo reference to make a sketch about this famous beach .... so .. Lets see what I can draw ..!😃

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