Thursday, July 6, 2017

Dieng Plateau : Telaga Warna and the Cave Legend

Sketch of Telaga Warna Cave Legend

The moment we arrived at Jogjakarta Airport we went straight to Dieng Plateau in Wonosobo Central Java. After around 4 hours driving we arrived at Telaga Warna (Lake Color) a volcanic lake containing water mixed with sulfur. Telaga Warna is one of the mainstay attractions of Wonosobo regency. Beside the beauty of the lake color there are also several famous caves around the area. Each cave has its own  mtyh.
Here are 4 sketches of the mystical cave ..The Legend of Writing Stone, The Legend of Horse Cave, The Legend of Well Cave and The Legend of The Cave of Semar

sketch The Legend of The Cave of Semar dieng

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