Sunday, July 23, 2017

Liukang Loe Island Bulukumba

The sketch of Liukang Island 1

Liukang Loe Island can be reached by speed boat about 15 minutes from Bara or Bira beach

When arriving around the island of Liukang Loe, the boat that we rent is not docked on the beach, but docked in a large wooden building. The semi-permanent building stands on the water and is naturally located around coral reefs. In this offshore building there is a turtle breeding business conducted by local residents. The building is also used as a seafood restaurant business and is equipped with a turtle breeding pond. The turtles that are kept in the pond are said to be a type of green turtle.

Last year visitors to this place can enjoy a delicious seafood dish can also play / swim in the pool with turtles. But this year the place is rarely visited because there is only 1 turtle left. The owner said this because of the government ban on breeding business. Indeed there is a law of protection of endangered species in Indonesia.

Apart from this issue we still can enjoy the beauty of surrounding island and of course the coral reef along the coastline.

The Sketch of Liukang Loe Island 1

Liukang Loe Island photo

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