Friday, July 14, 2017

The Floating Mosque

sketch of The Floating Mosque Losari

One of the interesting places for those who visit Losari beach is the floating mosque.  Masjid Amirul Mukminin is so called also become the key landmark of the Losari Beach. The mosque is also claimed to be the first floating mosque in Indonesia. Situated in the northeastern coast of Losari the mosque has 3 floor and 1,683 meter square large. This mosque can accommodate up to 500 worshipers.
I made this sketch a few weeks before I wash it. To be honest I do not like my finished wash of water under the mosque. I am still trying to get use to the watercolor behave at paper. Things that sometimes frustrated me.😅😅

sketch of The Floating Mosque Losari 2

sketch of The Floating Mosque Losari 3

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